Webinar: Episode 5 | The role a Data Management plays in a Modern Data Ecosystem

It’s the fifth episode in our video series on Modern Data Ecosystems! You can catch up with the previous episodes below...

In this episode, Scott Moore, Director of Pre-Sales at Semarchy, and Mike Evans, Chief Innovation Officer at Amplifi, talk about the role data management and MDM plays in a Modern Data Ecosystem.

We've heard in previous episodes about the need for modern approaches to data management. Have you ever wondered how businesses tackle the ever-growing modern challenges of data? Semarchy's approach focuses on prioritising customers over trends, ensuring effective master data management - it's about a "customer first, trend second" approach in addressing data concerns.

The amount of data companies handle today is astronomical. The explosion of data sources and the sheer volume of information can be overwhelming. It's crucial to have systems in place that not only manage but optimise this vast sea of data. And that's where Semarchy can help, leveraging AI/ML in MDM and emphasising the importance of a Data Catalog.

Tune in as we explore:

  • The role of data management and MDM in a Modern Data Ecosystem
  • The challenges Semarchy are hearing from customers
  • How Semarchy’s customers are approaching modern data challenges
  • How Semarchy are leveraging AI/ML in MDM

Download our guide: Implementing a Modern Data Ecosystem

So, you’ve decided that the next step in your data strategy is to modernise your ecosystem...

Every ecosystem will be different, but you can find some of the core features you’re likely to need in this guide.

What’s in the guide?

In this guide, we share practical advice on building a modern data ecosystem that’s right for your organisation. Starting with your vision for data and working all the way through to your data consumers, this guide will break down the anatomy of a modern data ecosystem and how to make it work for your enterprise. The three main sections we cover are:

  1. Your Vision and Approach
  2. Your Governance and Operations
  3. Your Core Data Platform
Amplifi Modern Data Ecosytems Guide 2 Mockup 2 size

Download the guide using the form to the right!

Or, get in touch... our experts understand that not one specific architecture will suit every business, and it's important to consider your modern data strategy from your unique business needs - reach out to one of the team here for a chat on all-things modern data ecosystems.